![]() | Biologie | Chimie | Didactica | Fizica | Geografie | Informatica |
Istorie | Literatura | Matematica | Psihologie |
Prezentul continuu
Forma afirmativa |
S+ BE(present) + V-ING |
We are working now. Lucram acum. |
Forma negativa |
You are not behaving correctly. Nu te comporti corect. The boss isn't going home. Seful nu pleaca acasa. |
Forma interogativa |
WH-) BE+ S+ V-ING |
What is she looking at ? La ce se uita? |
actiune in derulare ( present < progresiv>) .
o Lucy is having breakfast.
o Lucy isi ia micul dejun.
implicarea interlocutorului
o You are wasting your time !
o Iti pierzi timpul
intentie, proiect (fara viitor)
o I' m leaving tomorrow.
o Plec maine.
in general, prezentul continuu, exprima o actiune ce se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii:
o Listen! She is singing in the bathroom!
o Asculta! Ea canta in baie!
aceasta intrebuintare este marcata de obicei de adverbe de timp ca:
now (acum), right moment (in acest moment , at this moment ( in momentul de fata)
cu verbe de activitate non-durativa, o actiune repetata in momentul vorbirii:
particulare : care
- ing
verbe de perceptie involuntare
to hear - a auzi;
to see - a vedea;
I'm seeing a doctor today. I see you.
Ma duc la doctor astazi. Te vad.
verbele cu sens apropiat :
to look - a vedea;
to listen - a asculta
Can you see that bird in the tree ?
Poti vedea pasarea aceea din copac
Verbele cu sens apropiat, primesc ing :
to look = a privi;
to listen = a asculta;
eg. :
Yes, I'm looking at it .
Da, ma uit la ea.
Verbele precum
to feel = a simti;
to taste = a gusta;
to smell = a mirosi;
pot primi terminatia ing;
I'm tasting the cake. (Present Continous)
The cake tastes delicious.(Present Simple)
ATENTIE!!! Atat prezentul continuu cat si cel simplu exprima o actiune viitoare conform unui plan sau aranjament cand sunt folosite cu verbe de miscare ca go, leave, arrive, come,etc.
Deosebirea este urmatoarea:
We are leaving tonight. Plecam diseara Acesta este planul nostru personal).
We live tonight. Plecam diseara. Acesta este programul oficial, stabilit al excursiei).
E X E R C I S E S |
( Alegeti forma corecta a timpului prezent)
Sunday he (go) to
b) They (have) dinner with their neighbours.
c) I (drive) to town every morning.
d) He (walk) to school this morning .
Millers (live) in
f) The child (run) across the street.
g) Bob (read) a book by the fireplace.
h) She often (come) to see me on Tuesdays.
(Alegeti forma corecta a timpului prezent)
Look, the guests ( arrive). Lucy (wear) a new dress.She (spend) a lot on clothes.She (go) to a wedding next month.It (be) a pity the wind (blow) a lot of Birmingham.Who (come) now ? It (be) old Fred. He (talk) to Lucy. You (know) that Fred (leave) for China tomorrow.His plane (leave) at 6 p.m.I like Fred because he always ( say) funny things!I (be) sorry that he (leave) and I will be glad when he (come back).
Traduceti in limba engleza)
a. Fred se odihneste pentru ca este obosit.
b. De obicei ei
isi petrec vacantele
c. Vaca paste pe imas in aceasta dimineata.
d. El repeta deseori aceleasi lucruri.
e. Toti copiii fac zgomot.
f. Ce este zgomotul acesta ?Fata vecinului, canta la pian .
g. Ce faci duminica, in general ?
h. Ramaneti in salon ! Copiii isi beau ceaiul in bucatarie!
i. Asculta! Lucy iar rade de Fred.
j. Vreti sa-l vedeti pe tatal meu ? Citeste in gradina.
k. Se uita
l. Cainele vecinului latra. Ce se intampla
m. Englezii nu mananca multe legume.
n. James nu este acolo. Joaca tenis cu Lucy.
o. Pisica toarce pe covor.
New words
to purr = a toarce;
to visit = a vizita;
London = Londra;
parents = parinti
to drive = a conduce un autovehicul;
morning = dimineata
to run = a alerga;
to see = a vedea;
to wear = a purta;
wedding = nunta
pity = pacat, necaz
wind = vant
to blow = a bate;
guest = musafir;
to arrive = a sosi;
to come = a sosi, a veni;
plane = avion;
glad = multumit(a)
- funny = caraghioas(a);
- to come back = a se intoarce
- to rest = a se odihni;
- usually = de obicei;
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